It's a white out and a cozy day to stay inside. Hope you're enjoying your time with family, watching the big game, or just hunkering down with a good book. Hmmm....what new books might be out this season that would make good winter reading? (It's shameless, I know, but there are a lot of books to sell!) Anyway as those of you in our Duluth area might guess, most everything has been canceled, including skiing at Spirit Mountain and my book signing this afternoon at The bookstore At Fitgers.
Our son was out snowshoeing by his home earlier and told us it was not fit for man nor beast to be out and recommends we all stay inside. He took a picture from his front window (below) to prove white out conditions. You cannot see the street or house across the street. Our front door was blocked by a big snow drift this morning and we can't see the homes down from our hillside perch either. So…if you have a good book to read (hint, hint) this is the time. Enjoy our first big winter storm!

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