If you weren't among the book lovers of our area attending the NEMBA event today, you missed a fun afternoon. It turns out we live in a rather literary neck of the woods and it was encouraging to see that interest and many talented writers represented at the event. The keynote speaker, Annette Atkins, Minnesota author and historian, was wonderful. As someone who is a history buff, I was taken by her command of history and understanding of the story in the people who make our history. Very good speaker.
Above are a couple of pics of all the nominees. That's me near the front. Sometimes it pays to be a bit taller–at least it did in this case.
You're still the people's choice, Jim!
We don't live in Duluth any more and enjoy reading what you write. We love your unique slant on things and you help us stay up to date with the pulse of the area. Keep it up!
Thanks for the kind words, Jim. You know how highly I think of you and your work. It was nice to meet more of your family on Sunday ... best of luck to all of you.
Anonymous 1 & 2:
Thanks for the nice supportive words. Great hearing from you.
It was nice for all of us to visit with you on Sunday too. There is a special connection for parents (and grandparents) of twins and fun for you all to meet up. Best wishes to you with the book.
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