Thanks to Laurie Hertzel, an old Duluth News Tribune colleague now working with the Minneapolis Star Tribune, who found and passed along this You Tube, Return to Duluth. Click HERE to see this masterpiece.
Thinking of Laurie and the old days (well, she doesn't go as far back as me at the DNT though), I recalled this picture she sent of the newsroom a while back. Ah... the times, they are changing. That was in the days when it was a Knight Ridder paper and newspapers were, well–you know, the way they were.

That's a classic, Jim!
Leaving next week for Orange Beach and a week of eating and drinking too much! I'll be thinking of you!
Hi Firebottle3...
I assume the "classic" you refer to is the compilation of movie clips that mention Duluth. I agree. Loved it.
So, back to Orange Beach, huh. Gonna be hot there now. It's actually hot HERE now (Thursday, August 13). Feels good for a change. Orange Beach will be slightly cooler when we're there in February and first half of March, but it's a darn-sight warmer than Duluth is at that time of the year. Enjoy.
Actually, the weather cooperated the entire time we were there. Rained the first night (while sleeping) and Tropical Storm Claudette kept us cool with overcast skies. It was windy on Monday August 18th, but other than that it was a most pleasant stay unlike other times during the summer. Of course, we live just two hours west of there on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, so heat and humidity are old hat. Ate too much and had a few cold beers, a great time was had by all.
Your Orange Beach visit sounded fun. We're looking forward to another winter vacation in that area. Glad the hurricanes didn't pose any threats for you. We had our own form of hurricane-like weather in Minnesota recently, with damaging tornadoes and storms. All settled down now though.
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