Thursday, June 21, 2012

Duluth floods of 2012...

In case some of you living outside of the area have not yet heard, Duluth and surrounding areas were hit hard by devastating floods yesterday.

The home we previously lived in was surrounded by the overflowing waters of nearby Tischer Creek. The entire town and surrounding area are beset by issues of flooding waters, flooding basements, ripped away roads and sinkholes appearing suddenly on the roads.

The photo on the left of our old home was taken by a family friend. That Hunter's Park neighborhood was hit hard.

Linked HERE is NBC's Nightly News summarizing the devastation and again showing an air view of our previous home (red tiled roof). Governor Mark Dayton is in Duluth today (see the Duluth News Tribune link HERE) to witness the trail of devastation first hand.

Our sympathy is extended to everyone personally impacted by the aftermath of the flood and especially to the City of Duluth, now needing to face major rebuilding.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading about the mess and talking with relatives in Duluth and so far nobody had major losses. A lot of yard work to be done, though.
Hope the house you live in currently made out OK.
What an awful thing for Duluth to have to contend with - at least there were no lives lost.

Jim Heffernan said...

Thanks for your kind words. Our home and that of our son made it through all of this, although some friends and so many others have been hit hard. We're amazed also that no area lives have been lost yet. However, word just came out that 3 people may have died in nearby Wisconsin. The people of this area are resilient but they'll need our support to get through this.