Thursday, January 16, 2020

It's time to brush up on your Latin...

You may read this column that appeared in the January 12, 2020 Duluth New Tribune HERE.

3 comments: said...

Is Latin even taught in high school anymore? I managed to survive 3 years of Latin at old Central in the 60’s, and I have to say it’s been a lifelong help. I don’t regret those boring classes at all (now).
Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant...

Jim Heffernan said...

Hi, I'm not sure they still teach Latin in schools any more. I never took took Spainish while at Denfeld (class of 57). My wife did take Latin when in High School and your conjugation of love in Latin was right on! Thanks for reading.

Jim Heffernan said...

Oops, I meant to say that I DID take Spanish in school, but not Latin.